POLYGON FELLOWSHIP โ€” WEEK 1 !! What I learnt!? ๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ˜€

Arka Datta
4 min readJun 18, 2022

It has been an incredible few days right from the day I got the mail of confirmation from Polygon and Devfolio that I was one of the 25 students selected for the Polygon Fellowship, Class of 2022 .

I would love to share my experience of my learnings of the past week, hoping that would help you in your Web 3.0 journey as well !

Before I go on narrating my learning experience one thing I am very excited to share with you all is this week I got more belief and clarity that WEB 3.0 is THE FUTURE! Having listened to some amazing lectures, attending live sessions by Polygon Team and and deep-diving into the space made me realise the magnitude of research going into the space, the ocean of opportunities it can provide and so many problems it can solve.

Many big names in tech, be it Jack Dorsey, Elon Musk, etc, have shared their opinion on blockchain and crypto. Some are very bullish and some are not. But once you understand what it actually solves, you can make that decision for yourself.

What is blockchain? And why they matter?

๐Ÿ’ป List of sessions

#1: Walkthrough of ETH & MATIC ecosystem

The ice-breaker session , followed by a round of introductions from the fellows was about the ETH and MATIC ecosystem where we were given a broad overview of how Polygon works, what projects they are working on , how MATIC solves the problems of the Ethereum network and what lies in store in the Web 3.0 space!

A clip from the live session !

#2: Defi, NFTs & Metaverse

This session primarily gave us insight on how the blockchain technology actually works, an intro of NFTs , DeFi and Metaverse. We were told we would be deep diving into the topics in the coming weeks.

This site will come in handy to understand the working of blockchains.


#3: DAOs, Storage & Infura

This session was an interactive hands-on session where we generated an IPFS link of an image. We were briefed on how the DAO( Decentralised Autonomous Organization) works, its advantages and shortcomings and how to store data through IPFS and use Infura.

DAO( Decentralised Autonomous Organization)

๐Ÿ“– Tasks

#1: How to use Quickswap

Swapped a few tokens at https://quickswap.exchange/ after adding MATIC Testnet to our metamask wallet.

Learnt how LP ( Liquidity pair ) staking works, about the Order Book Model and how to be a liquidity provider and consequential price impacts.

#2: Understanding a transaction on Polygon

Just like Etherscan, Polygonscan which is a chain explorer for all Polygon Transactions.

Key features on Polygonscan โ€”

  • Block explorer: A search engine which provides users with simple, easy access to an ample amount of blockchain data.
  • API Services: This allows blockchain data to be shared externally, in which powers all dApps and websites in your community.
  • Verify contracts: This function allows users to ensure that the deployed contract code matches those that are published by project. This allows developers to show their verified code, line-for-line, to the public.

With PolygonScan we can view transaction details such as. Block numbers, transaction fees paid, and contract interaction details on the blockchain.

#3: Deploying my first Smart Contract

We learnt how to use Metamask and add some fake ethers on our wallets. As the starter project of all developers I wrote the โ€œHello Worldโ€ contract in Solidity. We leant the use of Alchemy , a blockchain developer platform, and API that allows us to communicate with the Ethereum chain without having to run our own nodes.

We got to use Hardhat-> Hardhat is a development environment to compile, deploy, test, and debug your Ethereum software. It helps developers when building smart contracts and dApps locally before deploying to the live chain.

and, Ether.js which is a library that makes it easier to interact and make requests to Ethereum by wrapping standard JSON-RPC methods with more user friendly methods.

You can check out my repo here.

#4: Minting an NFT

Minted my first NFT at https://opensea.io/ . You can check out the awseome NFT ( and guess my Web Series fascination ) here.

Well, talking about NFTs how can I forget the awesome NFT Polygon airdropped us one fine morning. ๐Ÿ˜€ Check out the amazing NFT here. This NFT is a proof for getting accepted into the Polygon fellowship out of thousands of applicants. Hatts off to the Polygon and Devfolio Team ๐Ÿฅบ

Apart from the tasks by Polygon , I read about smart contracts good practices, how to make smart contracts gas efficient and the basics of blockchain from #codeeater & #freecodecamp youtube channels.

Tbh there is way too much to do in this space. Yes, my friends we can be the early adopters and build some awesome things on top of blockchain and revolutionise industries.

If you found this writeup useful, please consider following me on Medium and leaving a few ๐Ÿ‘

Want to connect with me various social media handles๐Ÿ˜€ โ€” https://linktr.ee/ArkaDatta

Ending with a meme :(

